Saturday 2 October 2010


I am more than just a fan of Tarantino. I pretty much worship that shark-faced guy. I will defend everything he's ever had even the smallest involvement with until the day I die. You don't like his segment in Four Rooms? Don't care. Not a fan of Death Proof? Not interested. Everything he's ever breathed on (which I suppose includes my older half-sister who drunkenly chatted him up and was eventually stood up by him for a date...yes I casually just threw down that anecdote) is perfection to me. But the films he's created (excluding True Romance etc.) would not be known for their stylised finesse if it wasn't for a true genius in the form of Sally Menke. Everything you've ever admired about a Tarantino film, bar the soundtracks and scripts and Oscar winning performances, was down to Menke. QT, like many of the greatest directors, is well known for his repeated collaborations with members of the film industry; but it is to his collaboration with Sally his films owe the most.

I really don't know what it's going to be like to watch any of Tarantino's future projects without her editing expertise. Not only should we mourn the loss of an industry queen, but also, potentially, the death of Tarantino films. I'm really not ready to let go of my obsession, so here's hoping he can prove me wrong.

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