Sunday 13 June 2010

Good Sunday afternoon news

It's been proven that I cannot handle hangover days without watching a new film, and although I've already made my way through two today (completely IGNORING the unopened blu-ray of Avatar which my parents mistakenly thought I'd be interested in...), my discovery of a leaked Runaways DVDSCR (that's DVD Screener for all you non-jargon understanding people) has got me salivating despite the hangover mouth. I used to hate Kristen Stewart with a passion until I realised the Twilight Saga wasn't the be all and end all of her acting capabilities. She's one of the most awkward human beings in the world but for some reason that is exactly what I like in a person when it's not combined with vampire slash. I've watched Adventureland approximately 4 times in the past week, something which is very rare considering my general inability to watch a film I've seen before. Not sure if that's purely Kristen's doing seeing as Ryan Reynolds is at his absolute best (I've become so 'mainstream', yuck etc.) but this is besides the point. I am particularly looking forward to the lesbo Dakota and Kristen action. I shall report back once I've enjoyed it in its entirety.

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