Thursday, 17 June 2010


This evening my sister and I went to see Greenberg, the latest from Noah Baumbach (writer of Fantastic Mr. Fox and the writer and director of Margot at the Wedding and The Squid and the Whale etc.) The moment I heard Greta Gerwig was co-starring I was immediately keen to see it. If you're big on girls who aren't shy of getting their kit off in films, Greta's your girl. Plus you know, she can act. Or in fact, I'm becoming more and more convinced she's not actually acting, she's just choosing roles in which she plays herself. Either way, I like her - I'd quite like to be her friend. Anyway, when I first heard this was going to be Ben Stiller's "chance to act", I was somewhat dubious given how much I hate the man. But in Greenberg this hatred I'm sure I'm not alone in possessing conveniently works in his favour and he actually fits the bill quite well. In fact, I'm struggling to think of an actor who would have played the role any more successfully. Rhys Ifans offers a solid supporting-role performance, though it could be argued that the role wasn't exactly challenging. Quietly-sulky-but-generally-pretty-friendly wouldn't require even the rookiest of Hollywood's "talent" to break an acting sweat. A slightly plumper Greta than I'm used to mumbles her way through the film as charmingly as ever and the dog even does a pretty stand-up job (though I did keep thinking he wasn't nearly as beautiful as Otto, our family's German Shepherd who died a couple of years ago). I will offer prospective viewers one warning however: watching Ben Stiller go down on Greta is possibly the most disturbing thing you'll ever see in a film.

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